sidcul Industries

Ghari Industries Pvt. Ltd. Haridwar

Ghari Industries Pvt. Ltd. is located in Plot No. 1B, Sector 7, Integrated Industrial Estate (IIE), BHEL Haridwar. This manufacturing unit deals in shoes. It has its corporate office is in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. You can contact below phone number for any query or information. Contact person is Mr. Bimal Kumar.

Company Product:All types of Shoes

Plot No. 1B, Sector 7,
Integrated Industrial Estate(IIE), BHEL
Haridwar-249403 Uttarakhand

Telephone/Phone Number:0512-2217650

E-Mail:[email protected]


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1 Comment

  1. Devendra sagar
    Devendra sagar
    16th November 2011

    Is there any vacancy for MBA HR fresher?