sidcul Industries

APPL Industries Limited Pantnagar Rudrapur

APPL Industries Limited is located in Sector 4, Plot Number 58, Integrated Industrial Estate (IIE) Pantnagar Rudrapur. This Pantnagar Manufacturing Unit deals in Master batches and Reinforced Compounds. There corporate office is in New Delhi. You can contact at below number for any information and query. Contact person is Mr. S. P. Gupta (DGM-Operations).

Company Product: Master batches and Reinforced Compounds, Thermoplastics compounds for automotive application

Sector 4, Plot Number 58,
Integrated Industrial Estate (IIE), Pantnagar
Rudrapur, Udham Singh Nagar
Uttarakhand : 263153

Telephone/Phone Number: 91-5944-250714, 011-25158483, 9371031691

E-Mail: [email protected]


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1 Comment

  1. chhatra pal
    chhatra pal
    16th September 2014

    hello sir…
    myself chhatra pal from baheri district bareilly. I passed biotech from devsthali vidyapeeth Rudrapur with 67 % marks. if there is any job matching from my profile then inform me. I want work with your organization.
    contact : 8171572771
    email address : [email protected]