Check your Name in Voter List of Uttarakhand

Election day is near in Uttarakhand and it is assumed that this year lots of voters are going to vote. This year new voter’s who turned 18 years of age will surely think to vote and before going to the polling booth they should check if their name is in voter list of Uttarakhand or not.


This article will give you steps to check your name in the Voter list of Uttarakhand. You can also check your family members detail and can also download voter slip to vote.


Check your Name in Voter List of Uttarakhand


Steps to Check Name in Voter List of Uttarakhand


1. Go to Chief Electoral Officer website of Uttarakhand.

2. Now click on Voter search on left hand side as shown below.


Voter search Uttarakhand


3. Now choose search type as District wise (You can also choose AC wise) and select your district. This will give you search option, where you can search by your name or by EPIC number. EPIC number is your voter ID number.


Voter name search Uttarakhand


4. For example, I search by name “Pawan” and it gave all the result of Nainital district with name Pawan. The result are large in number so you can refine your search by giving full name.


Voter list Uttarakhand with ID


5. Now click on Show button on the left hand side to get complete voter slip of your name which includes your address, Voter ID no., polling station name, polling time, election day date etc.


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How to check your family details


You can also check how many of your family members are on this voting list and how many have lost their voting rights.

To get list of family members who are registered voter you can click on House No. link, this will show the complete list of your family and even your tenant detail if they have registered from your location.

This is how you can search your name in voter list of Uttarakhand of any district like Nainital, Dehradun, Haridwar, Almora, Udham Singh Nagar, Pithoragarh, Bageshwar, Chamoli, Champawat, Uttarkashi, Teri Garhwal, Pauri Garhwal and Rudraprayag.

Finding your name in the voter list is very beneficial and if you are a new voter or you are not leaving in Uttarakhand for quite a long time then this is a good way to check your name in voter list. If you have any problem in any steps let us know.

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