sidcul Industries

J.J.Printers & Packaging Haridwar

J.J.Printers & Packaging is located in Plot No. 38, Sector 7, Integrated Industrial Estate (IIE), BHEL Haridwar. This manufacturing unit deals in Printing and Dye cutting. It has its corporate office is in Shivlok Phase -2, Ranipur More, Haridwar, Uttarakhand. You can contact below phone number for any query or information. Contact person is Mr.Ashish Jaitly & Mr. J.P. Jaitly.

Company Product:Printing and Dye cutting

Plot No. 38, Sector 7,
Integrated Industrial Estate(IIE), BHEL
Haridwar-249403 Uttarakhand

Telephone/Phone Number:01334-265284, 9412964432



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  1. manoj dandriyal
    manoj dandriyal
    5th April 2015

    If quality job is avialable. Plz. contact 8057893477

    • Manoj Dandriyal
      Manoj Dandriyal
      13th December 2015

      If quality In-charge vacancy available, please call me 8057893477.


      • Veeresh Sharma
        Veeresh Sharma
        24th May 2016

        I need a job as production manager. My job responsibilities are customer dealing, product costing, paper purchasing job planning etc.