sidcul Industries

Ribbel International Limited Ranipur Haridwar

Ribbel International Limited is located in Plot No. 10 & 11, Sector 6B, Integrated Industrial Estate (IIE), BHEL Haridwar. This manufacturing unit deals in Surgical Bladesm & Medical disposables. It has its corporate office is in Ansari Road Daryaganj, Delhi. You can contact below phone number for any query or information.

Company Product:Surgical Bladesm & Medical disposables

Plot No. 10 & 11, Sector 6B,
Integrated Industrial Estate(IIE), BHEL
Haridwar-249403 Uttarakhand

Telephone/Phone Number:+91 – 1334- 239334



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1 Comment

  1. Dr. Suresh Sagar
    Dr. Suresh Sagar
    21st April 2014

    Please inform about leading disposable surgical product manufacturing unit in Haridwar and Roorkee.